An Ep that came my way recently was from the Austin TX band Destroyer of Light. After a self-titled Ep was released in 2012 they put out Bizarre Tales Vol. 2.
Kick ass sci/fi horror artwork on this Ep with undead broads, zombies, and ufo’s had me excited to hear what I was in-store for. “Battlefield Girth” (haha), an instrumental with a stomping sci-fi influence that has a creepy ass stalker in the sewers type riff sewn into it. Killer! The way “Forbidden Zombi Ritual” came marching out of my blown out Sanyos, I was seriously expecting to look off my balcony and see the dead rising from the ground ready to chew on flesh! Plus some unexpected clean vox give the tune a definite increase in the creepy dept.
My favourite track here was “Lost Time”. The eerie haunting vocals just seemed to hit the right amount of melancholic vibe for me. With a bleak as all hell ending riff that reminded me of the end of Carpenters The Thing. All in all a good EP that hit me from angles I wasn’t expecting which kept it interesting. A fairly new band that I look forward to hearing more from.
Words: Matt Berube
Album: Destroyer Of Light @ Bandcamp
Kick ass sci/fi horror artwork on this Ep with undead broads, zombies, and ufo’s had me excited to hear what I was in-store for. “Battlefield Girth” (haha), an instrumental with a stomping sci-fi influence that has a creepy ass stalker in the sewers type riff sewn into it. Killer! The way “Forbidden Zombi Ritual” came marching out of my blown out Sanyos, I was seriously expecting to look off my balcony and see the dead rising from the ground ready to chew on flesh! Plus some unexpected clean vox give the tune a definite increase in the creepy dept.
My favourite track here was “Lost Time”. The eerie haunting vocals just seemed to hit the right amount of melancholic vibe for me. With a bleak as all hell ending riff that reminded me of the end of Carpenters The Thing. All in all a good EP that hit me from angles I wasn’t expecting which kept it interesting. A fairly new band that I look forward to hearing more from.
Words: Matt Berube
Album: Destroyer Of Light @ Bandcamp