Well I’ve put this one off for a little bit but I will do what I can to do this band justice. When I received the press release for Chilean band Demonauta as with any press release you never know if you’re about to hear something great or a real stinker so I was cautiously optimistic as I try to be. Then I hit play on the first tune that accompanied the release. Demonauta play fuzzed out stoner doom rock reminiscent of early Sabbath. This really isn’t a surprise as we all love innumerable bands doing the same thing no different than legendary Sleep.
Then the vocals kick in. Lead vocalist/guitarist David Veliz Molina has an excellent voice complimenting the excellent fuzzy doom wonderfully. But I had to threaten to smack someone since as much as I really enjoyed Demonauta, David Veliz Molina is singing in Chilean Spanish, his native tongue but a language of which I don’t speak fluently only knowing a little Spanish which isn’t the quite the same. I kid but as someone who loves vocals & lyrics this is a big drawback for me.
However, this doesn’t deter from the fact that Demonauta most definitely sound awesome like a Chilean Sleep or Sabbath and by the second or third track I didn’t even care that I had no idea what the songs were about because yes, they sound that good.
The band’s newest release, their 2nd album, Caminado en la Luna (Walk on the Moon) along with their first, the aptly titled Vol 1, are available now on Demonauta’s bandcamp page HERE. The music is so good it will get you through even if you don’t speak Chilean Spanish like myself. Take a look at a performance/interview on Chilean television from earlier this year, the music should win you over as it did me.
Follow the band on either of their Facebook pages, Demonauta Fuzz Rock HERE or Demonauta - band HERE, to stay up to date with all their latest.
Words: Feind Gottes (editor, Thy Demons Be Scribblin)
Bandcamp: HERE
Demonauta Fuzz FB page: HERE
Demonauta FB page: HERE