You know it's a beautiful Halloween day when you wake up with a slight buzzing in between your ears from a Pentagram gig the night before. A stellar lineup saw all four bands at an engaging point in their careers, and though I've seen each of these bands before; twice in Pentagram and Kings Destroys' case, it was well worth it to have caught them this round.
Kings Destroy opened, and having just caught them in August opening for Blackfinger, I had a basic idea of what to expect. A right good doomy thrashing was enjoyed by all. The vocalist has that demented Bobby Liebling thing going on in his voice, where Bobby breaks it out occasionally, Kings Destroy use it to their full advantage. I am definitely waiting on the next record.
Next, Bang! came back to JB's, albeit minus the back up singer and the old drummer. This did quite a few things to their sound. They concentrated a lot more on riffy material, possibly due to their odd opening slot. The back up singer proved wholly unnecessary, Frank hitting all those notes just by himself. The sound was rawer, more streamlined, and had a new energry. The drummer in April had this terrible dry 80's sound to his kit for my money, but last night the guy was deep, 70's groove, tom tom tom tomming all over the place, fills galore, and frankly making me wish my CD's sounded like that. He's brought an entire new sound to this band, and they sound great as this trio. There were glorious, ancient coiled guitar cords everywhere, and damn did they sound perfect.
Radio Moscow were my highlight for the evening. I've only seen them once, a couple years ago opening for Graveyard somewhere in NYC. Graveyard slayed their set, and Radio Moscow, with a VERY fresh rhythm section, didn't seem to gel. Last night though, with a new drummer and bassist, they were shit hot white boy blues for what felt like 3 minutes after it ended. I loved the inclusion of vocals, and the songs were catchy as all get out. Very fast, blues rock riffs gave way to emotive, piercing, lightning quick solo sections, where the bassist really shone, keeping the riff together under all that extremely pleasurably as far as I'm concerned. I'll have to pick up an album. Can't believe I slept on this band! Learn from this mistake.
Ah, Bobby fucking Liebling and Pentagram. There's nothing in this world quite like it. From what I recall, a setlist out of order looked like this: review your choices, be forewarned, forever my queen, all your sins, relentless, evil seed, broken vows, vampyre love, the new track, a couple off Last Rites, and the Animals' cover of Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood.
Something like that. Bobby sounded alive and undead all at once. These guys are firing on all cylinders. The new drummer is perfect, and Victor and his nephew on bass are locked in. The 70's stuff sounded better than the first Griffin reunion dates, though Matt Goldsborough still has that edge for me.
The 80's material was where it was proverbially at, unholy and catchy all at the same time, those are strong, American doom metal classics. All Your Sins especially had me headbanging like a schoolgirl.
Extra special thanks to Bobby for signing an autograph for me. Wicked! Great to shake his hand again. Cheers as well to Paul Rote and friend, Pellet (again! thank you!), JJ over at the The Obelisk, and Frank/Bang! for the sage advice at the end of the night. It was most useful.
Treat or trick, play a lick, make it sick....
Words: SabbathJeff
Kings Destroy opened, and having just caught them in August opening for Blackfinger, I had a basic idea of what to expect. A right good doomy thrashing was enjoyed by all. The vocalist has that demented Bobby Liebling thing going on in his voice, where Bobby breaks it out occasionally, Kings Destroy use it to their full advantage. I am definitely waiting on the next record.
Next, Bang! came back to JB's, albeit minus the back up singer and the old drummer. This did quite a few things to their sound. They concentrated a lot more on riffy material, possibly due to their odd opening slot. The back up singer proved wholly unnecessary, Frank hitting all those notes just by himself. The sound was rawer, more streamlined, and had a new energry. The drummer in April had this terrible dry 80's sound to his kit for my money, but last night the guy was deep, 70's groove, tom tom tom tomming all over the place, fills galore, and frankly making me wish my CD's sounded like that. He's brought an entire new sound to this band, and they sound great as this trio. There were glorious, ancient coiled guitar cords everywhere, and damn did they sound perfect.
Radio Moscow were my highlight for the evening. I've only seen them once, a couple years ago opening for Graveyard somewhere in NYC. Graveyard slayed their set, and Radio Moscow, with a VERY fresh rhythm section, didn't seem to gel. Last night though, with a new drummer and bassist, they were shit hot white boy blues for what felt like 3 minutes after it ended. I loved the inclusion of vocals, and the songs were catchy as all get out. Very fast, blues rock riffs gave way to emotive, piercing, lightning quick solo sections, where the bassist really shone, keeping the riff together under all that extremely pleasurably as far as I'm concerned. I'll have to pick up an album. Can't believe I slept on this band! Learn from this mistake.
Ah, Bobby fucking Liebling and Pentagram. There's nothing in this world quite like it. From what I recall, a setlist out of order looked like this: review your choices, be forewarned, forever my queen, all your sins, relentless, evil seed, broken vows, vampyre love, the new track, a couple off Last Rites, and the Animals' cover of Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood.
Something like that. Bobby sounded alive and undead all at once. These guys are firing on all cylinders. The new drummer is perfect, and Victor and his nephew on bass are locked in. The 70's stuff sounded better than the first Griffin reunion dates, though Matt Goldsborough still has that edge for me.
The 80's material was where it was proverbially at, unholy and catchy all at the same time, those are strong, American doom metal classics. All Your Sins especially had me headbanging like a schoolgirl.
Extra special thanks to Bobby for signing an autograph for me. Wicked! Great to shake his hand again. Cheers as well to Paul Rote and friend, Pellet (again! thank you!), JJ over at the The Obelisk, and Frank/Bang! for the sage advice at the end of the night. It was most useful.
Treat or trick, play a lick, make it sick....
Words: SabbathJeff