This is another band that goes for that retro sound and it does sound retro I guess but I find it lacking. It's not that it is horribly bad, or bad even, but it fails to engage me and I come away feeling a bit disappointed. The great artwork really got my hopes up.
All instruments are competently played and can be picked out of the mix. We are treated to a good demo sound that actually still sounds like a demo, I don't know why but I like it when a demo sounds like a demo.
Cruthu has two singers, one male and one female but I actually prefer the male singers clean vocals. On the second track of this demo they are singing at the same time and the idea is really cool and would have worked better if the guy wasn't using black metal vocals. It doesn't work for me but like I said, it's a really cool idea. The riffs are decent but get a bit boring from time to time.
Despite being flawed this demo shows that the band has some good ideas and they do show some promise. I'm a bit bummed out that this demo wasn't better, I was really looking forward to it after I saw the artwork and read some other peoples responses. I actually rather liked it at first but repeat listening changed my feelings for it. Did I say how awesome the artwork was by the way?
Cruthu @ Bandcamp
Words: Joachim Eversholt
All instruments are competently played and can be picked out of the mix. We are treated to a good demo sound that actually still sounds like a demo, I don't know why but I like it when a demo sounds like a demo.
Cruthu has two singers, one male and one female but I actually prefer the male singers clean vocals. On the second track of this demo they are singing at the same time and the idea is really cool and would have worked better if the guy wasn't using black metal vocals. It doesn't work for me but like I said, it's a really cool idea. The riffs are decent but get a bit boring from time to time.
Despite being flawed this demo shows that the band has some good ideas and they do show some promise. I'm a bit bummed out that this demo wasn't better, I was really looking forward to it after I saw the artwork and read some other peoples responses. I actually rather liked it at first but repeat listening changed my feelings for it. Did I say how awesome the artwork was by the way?
Cruthu @ Bandcamp
Words: Joachim Eversholt