Deep are from Finland and on this EP they deliver four tracks of solid doom. Some nice melodies, a bunch of heavy riffs and strong clean vocals are what you can expect. It's nothing groundbreaking but it's not generic and boring either.
Musically we are talking epic doom with gloomy and bitter rather than mournful lyrics. The tempo is slow but it's not extremely slow and all the songs have a nice flow to them. It´s tempting to compare Deep to Reverend Bizarre but while they do sound alike I don't think it's a fair comparison, Deep play them same kind of epic doom but in a slightly different way. The main difference is that Deep have a lot more tempo in their riffs whereas the Reverend spend more time on making each note as heavy as possible even if they only use 6 of them in one song... I like Reverend Bizarre a lot by the way.
The production and mix is very good and the guitars have a rather dry sound that lets the bass fill out the riffs nicely. Over the riffs and melodies the vocals soar clean and melancholic, they are really very good. On "All Shall Die" there are some back-up vocals that join with the lead singer to form a choir of the damned, it sounds great and makes the track stand out. Another high point is the drumming, the drummer keeps things interesting but without stealing attention from the guitars. I especially like the drumming on "Resurrection".
Like I said this is a really solid slab of doom with lots of strong points. Nothing innovative but who needs that when sticking to your guns works this well? I really like these songs and there are more in the works. This EP is well worth checking out on their bandcamp where you can download it but I recommend you write them and see if there are any more CD's left. I got lucky but they might be running out.
Words: Joachim Eversholt
Musically we are talking epic doom with gloomy and bitter rather than mournful lyrics. The tempo is slow but it's not extremely slow and all the songs have a nice flow to them. It´s tempting to compare Deep to Reverend Bizarre but while they do sound alike I don't think it's a fair comparison, Deep play them same kind of epic doom but in a slightly different way. The main difference is that Deep have a lot more tempo in their riffs whereas the Reverend spend more time on making each note as heavy as possible even if they only use 6 of them in one song... I like Reverend Bizarre a lot by the way.
The production and mix is very good and the guitars have a rather dry sound that lets the bass fill out the riffs nicely. Over the riffs and melodies the vocals soar clean and melancholic, they are really very good. On "All Shall Die" there are some back-up vocals that join with the lead singer to form a choir of the damned, it sounds great and makes the track stand out. Another high point is the drumming, the drummer keeps things interesting but without stealing attention from the guitars. I especially like the drumming on "Resurrection".
Like I said this is a really solid slab of doom with lots of strong points. Nothing innovative but who needs that when sticking to your guns works this well? I really like these songs and there are more in the works. This EP is well worth checking out on their bandcamp where you can download it but I recommend you write them and see if there are any more CD's left. I got lucky but they might be running out.
Words: Joachim Eversholt